So you know what really fucks with me? Fucking technology. I have been using the Japanese language pack on my PC for idk how many years now. It normally works perfectly. Simply press Alt+Shift and I'm typing in Japanese ナイス~ But then the other day my PC updated. I didn't think anything of it for a while because I don't use Japanese too often. Then I found myself unable to switch to Japanese when playing PSO2. That was pretty odd, so I started looking into what the problem could be. I tried the increasingly unreliable Google with very little success, even for the issue where I was getting errors trying to reinstall it and searched specifically for the error code.
Funny how useless error codes are when you can't really find out any info about the error code itself. Can't even be certain any of the results are even written by real people who know what they're talking about or just AI trying to answer a question scrapped from a forum. That's the internet we live in now. I found two threads on the topic, one was Microsoft's own help desk (from 2015) and the other was a post on Stack Overflow (from 2019).
I tried every solution I was presented with, both in the threads and in the various "how to fix various problems" sites that I'm not sure were even legit. The one suggestion I didn't try was suggested several places and that was to literally create a new user account, install the language pack there, and transfer your files to the new user before deleting your existing account. To which I said: FUCK THAT! There is no fucking reason that a problem that did not exist one day, but suddenly exists the next, should not be solvable without burning the house down and rebuilding. This isn't some ransomware shit. This is literally just a built-in feature of Windows 10 suddenly not working and it's been a problem since at least 2015, though the solutions don't all work the way they used to, partly because certain menus literally no longer exist on Windows 10. There are new ways you have to navigate the OS to get to what you're looking for, and some things just no longer exist.
So anyway, I did eventually figure out a way to fix it (sort of). If by some miracle someone running into this problem happens to somehow get past all the search engine junk out there and finds this little blog on this shitty, under-developed neocities page, here's what you can do:
To start with, the issue at hand involves the Japanese Language Pack in Windows 10. The language icon appears on the task bar (ENG/J/etc), but it won't let you switch to Japanese (for me, other languages worked fine). Sometimes it would let me switch to Japanese, but it wouldn't allow me to change from romaji to kana. Clicking the button with the A in it would sometimes open the menu to switch inputs, but it wouldn't ever actually change. Sometimes clicking the A button would instead just say "Microsoft IME is disabled." That's the big issue right there, and I can almost guarantee it's entirely an issue with Microsoft IME, though I don't know enough about it to say for certain.
So what you're going to need to do is navigate to Language Preferences. This can be done by left-clicking on the ENG (or other language) button on the task bar in the bottom right, or you can search for Language Settings in the start menu (Windows button). Just press the windows key or the interface button and start typing. If you're getting the error where it isn't letting you install the language pack, I'm not sure if this will be quite as helpful, but it's worth a try and even if you do get them installed correctly that doesn't mean that it will actually work and you might still need to do this as I did. Once you're in Language Preferences, scroll down to your installed languages (add Japanese if you haven't already) and click on Japanese, then click on "Options." Next, at the bottom of that screen under "Keyboards," click on Microsoft IME, then Options. Go to "General" at the top, and then scroll to the bottom under "Compatibility." Click "Use previous version of Microsoft IME." Now, like I said, this only sort of fixes it. For me, I still have difficulty getting it to correctly switch to Japanese in the UI, but all of the keyboard shortcuts work perfectly.
Keyboard Shortcuts for Japanese Language Pack:
- Alt+Shift = Change Languages
- This cycles through all installed languages, if you have more than two, you'll need to get used to the order
- Shift+Caps = Switch input method between hiragana and romaji
- Ctrl+Caps = Switch specifically to Hiragana
- F7 = Convert hiragana to katakana after typing out text
- Use this while the prediction window is still up
Normally you should be able to switch to Katakana directly and I believe the Ctrl+Caps is supposed to switch between both systems, but this solution is imperfect and will only put you in Hiragana mode. Fortunately, like I said, F7 will convert hiragana to katakana.
So I want to address the reason that I'm going through all this trouble to put this answer up on the web, as shitty and imperfect as it is. As soon as I figured that out, after the existing solutions didn't work at all for me, I thought I would pop into those threads and offer an imperfect 2023 solution to people who, like myself, have no interest in burning their user account to the ground over a fucking language pack that worked fine the day before. This turned out to be impossible, however. Stack Overflow requires its own version of reddit karma before you can post in such an "active thread" as a 2 post thread from 2019, and the windows help desk thread was locked as though a solution from 2015 is going to be useful forever. Sure, new theads can be created, but those will run into the exact same problem as I'm running into here. No one will ever see them.
The reason I was able to find posts from 2015 and 2019 at all was because those were popular search results in the past, before AI-generated "help" pages and SEO clickfarms took over google's search results. I wanted to add a modern solution to these old posts because THOSE are the posts people are going to see. If those get updated with new solutions, people searching for answers will be able to find them, but that's not possible (unless I want to go farm discount karma on Stack Overflow which I don't want to do just for a single post). There's also the likely possiblity of people getting shitty about necro'ing an old post, without even considering the reason why an old post might need to be brought back from the dead. Anyway, the point is that the internet sucks these days, but at least I can make my own shitty little post on my own shitty little website that no one will ever read.
Aside from that, I think I'm going to start managing this page as basically a little "blog" of sorts. Gonna update it from time to time with new stuff that's going on with me and I'll eventually make it look like something more than shitty text on a white background, but I've gotta learn HTML again for that.
Been working on learning more HTML. This site's been growing and improving and becoming more and more of its own thing. It's really exciting! I've been working on learning HTML through freeCodeCamp.org and despite having taken two semesters of web design in high school, I'm pretty sure I've learned more in just the brief time since starting freeCodeCamp than I ever learned in my actual dedicated high school class. Currently working on improving the layout and design and cleaning up the code to make it more intuitive, more accessible, and just all-around better.
I recently created a page to document the progress of upgrading various parts of my old Lenovo ideapad Z570 laptop and have just finished editing the page it with a large amount of information on several changes I've made so far. Future updates to this site will feature more versatile navigation, particularly for viewing projects I work on, but for now you may access the page here
This site is coming along nicely. I've done quite a bit of work to it, though some of that work is just cleaning up the code and improving accessibility so it's not that noticeable just by looking at it, but it's there. I've finally made a Links page but I'm not quite sure how I want it to look so it's currently blank. I might not fill the links page in or I might just add the links from the index until after I do a major redesign of the site's layout and function.
Plans for the site
I'd like to have a way for the index to switch content within the page while keeping the important elements of the page in place, especially so that I don't have to constantly copy over elements like the header and footer to every page, remembering to update every page's header/footer whenever I'm working on it (I literally just noticed while typing this that the blog was missing the actual script for the hit-counter so I'm editing that on every relevant page while I write this post). I'd also like to create a sidebar with some personal info and other stuff. Another thing that I've seen on a lot of sites that I think would be amazing here is a guestbook. It'd be really nice for people who stumble across my page to be able to say hi. One final thing I'm hoping to add eventually is a popup window of sorts within the index or maybe on a page dedicated to my learning projects that will display the project contents without having to leave the page itself. I want to make this site easy to navigate and visually (mostly) appealing.
Yesterday I came across an old CD from 2005 for SUN Microsystems. It contains Java-related software demos and demos from their partner companies. It felt like opening up a time capsule. It was interesting and a lot of fun look through. I attempted run the disk, which prompted me to enter the file path to netscape or mozilla. Sadly, it didn't seem to do anything after directing it to the folder with firefox. I might play around with it again sometime, but for now I've ripped it and scanned the sleeve for preservation. If anyone is interested in it, you can download the iso and the scans of the sleeve on Archive.org.
Speaking of the good ol' internet archive, I've also been making archives of this site here and there. There may come a day wher neocities goes the way of geocities and all that's left are whatever archives people have made themselves. Especially considering the information in my laptop page, being the most thorough discussion of the process of upgrading a Z570 anywhere on the internet (the most thorough on each particular part being upgraded even), I'd really like to know that this info is preserved for people in the future. I've had to rely on disparate forum posts spanning a decade just to figure out how to do the few things I've done so far. Everything I've upgraded or want to upgrade is something that other people have asked about over the years to mixed results. My hope is that some day someone with a Z570 will be sifting through the same, uncertain search results I did, only to find my page thoroughly discussing how I did it, even if this page gets abandoned, if I die, or if neocities itself dies.
I'm scared. In fact, I'm somewhat paralyzed now. I'm so worried about the future. I knew things weren't going to be great as a trans woman. I had expected it to take a little longer than day 1. What the fuck is wrong with people? Why is it so easy for people to believe that trans women are a threat to cis women? Why is it so hard to accept that some "men" never feel identity in manhood, yet find ourselves as women? Why is it so easy to fall for these lies that justify cruelty? Why is it so hard to see our humanity? Women are under attack. Women do need defending. But not from trans women, who fall firmly under that class known as "women" who are absolutely under attack. I am beautiful. I want to be loved. I am kind. I want to be loved. I am selfless. I want to be loved. I am generous. I want to be loved. I am scared. I want to be loved.
Do the cruel, after all their teachings of "love thy neighbor," truly see us as the monsters? By what reasoning? What trans person has caused you harm? Who hurt you that you think I deserve to be outed whenever I travel? Who wronged you that you think my safety is unimportant? What manner of cruelty were you subjected to that you feel any cruelty against me is justifiable, merely because I ask that you treat me like the woman I am? You call me a pervert, as if this is some kind of sexual fetish I'm forcing onto you. Do you have any clue what 8mg/day of estradiol does to my sex drive? You think it's sexual perversion? Do you know how I felt seeing myself in the mirror? Do you know how I felt wondering why that person, however I changed appearance within the social confines of masculinity, never looked like me? Do you know how it feels to go through life, feeling like an empty shell, carefully constructed to house a person who never existed? Do you know how it feels to find that scared, malnourished little girl I'd burried deep in that shell long ago, pulling her out of her hiding place, feeding her, breaking the shell I'd built, and bringing her out to thrive as she should have long, long ago. Can you imagine how it feels? Can you imagine what that's like? Can you for one second put aside your pre-conceived ideas, handed down to you from your pastors, your news, your social media, and your favorite youtubers, and just listen to us? Just hear us talk about ourselves? Do you think you know me better than I know myself? Can you not find it in your heart to have empathy for someone unlike yourself? Are your views so vital to you that they're more valuable than my life?
I'm scared. I don't know if I'll continue to have access to my HRT. These little pills have changed my life. "You seem so much happier now" is a phrase I've heard from so many people who've known me for a long time. I've finally started figuring out how to start living. I'm finally learning to be a person. I'm so far behind in life. I've got so little to show for all these years. I've let so much pass me by because I couldn't handle the burden of carrying on with a life that made no sense to me. It hurts so much to see how much hatred there is for a woman who's finally finding her womanhood. It hurts seeing my repression justified as "defending women." I am a woman. I am in danger. I fear using public restrooms, never certain if I'll be harrassed, kicked out, attacked, or even killed. I go anyway, because what choice do I have? I tense up whenever my voice breaks, worried that someone who might not have realized what I am until then could decide to "defend women." I am a "what." To so many, I am a thing before I am a woman and before I am a person. "What" I am is all that matters to so many, as if "what" I am has any relevance to my womanhood or my personhood.
I am threatened. I am threatened by my government. I am threatened by my neighbors. I am threatened by strangers in public. I feel so alone in this world that seems built against me. Politicians talk about wanting me to suffer, to be locked up, to die. Wherever I go, there are people who proudly support those same politicians. Many don't even have a problem with trans people, they'd never be transphobic to my face. "I'm just worried about the economy!" "I'm worried I'll lose my guns!" "I'm afraid of taxes!" Meanwhile I'm afraid for my life. Millions upon millions are spent getting these men elected. I'm struggling to afford the cost of my medication, the laser hair removal and voice training to undo the effects of testosterone puberty. I spent an hour crying with my therapist yesterday because I'm scared and alone and hurting. I need someone to hold me and tell me "everything's going to be okay." I need to be held and told "we'll get through this together." I need to be embraced. I need to be cared for. I need help. I can't be alone through all of this.